Nueva video cámara 4K de Canon —

Canon anunció la videocámara XC15 de 4K, una videocámara digital UHD de 4K para uso profesional que logra una alta calidad de imagen con un cuerpo compacto y ligero. La nueva XC15 de Canon, fundamentada en la tecnología de la videocámara digital XC10 UHD de 4K, permite realizar tomas con un micrófono externo mediante una […]

via Nueva video cámara 4K de Canon —

Photoessay: melancholy and longing in Hanoi — Ming Thein | Photographer

Words and thoughts flow from left to right, at least for those who think and read and write in western languages – a glance to the left in an image is an acknowledgement of origin, or perhaps one of longing depending on the expression of the protagonist. In the east, it might be interpreted as […]

via Photoessay: melancholy and longing in Hanoi — Ming Thein | Photographer

An afternoon out with our cameras

One day expedition to the sunny Barcelona. Chasing scenes and light with the camera, discovering corners, people and funny situations. no photoshop or retouching. Instagrammimg was fun, from our phones and one of our cameras too, at the same time!

Do you have what it takes to be a National Geographic Photographer?

Screenshot 2014-09-26 11.31.49National Geographic has created a great new platform where you can feature your photographic talent and it is called YOURSHOT. How does it work?

1. All Storytellers Welcome
Whether you’re a hobbyist or a pro, we want you to share your best photos with us.

2. National Geographic Staff
National Geographic photo editors review your shots and offer expert tips for great photography.

3. Be Recognized
We’ll select and publish our favorite photos online and in National Geographic magazine.

If you have what it takes, go for it!

If you want to learn more……come to Barcelona to learn a bit more 🙂 with us!

Ven a ver Barcelona con nosotros

Algunos de los momentos y rincones mas encantadores de la ciudad, están ahí para ser disfrutados en cualquier momento del año. Su encanto cambia con el sol y con el frío pero nos llenarán el corazón de ilusión y entusiasmo.

visítala con nosotros, escogiendo una o mas de nuestra rutas, todas son maravillosas!

You will soon be able to take this picture with us

This is how Sagrada Familia will look when it is finished. Book your Photocircuit with us and be able to make the picture and live the experience.

Summer 2013: Compilation of people, places and cities

Did you enjoy this summer? well, we did and took many pictures in Europe and America, let us know where did you? how did you camera work, and send us your best picture to be published in our blog.

Welcome back home and to see you in Barcelona very soon!

Cord Prize for Contemporary Art Photography. Deadline: June 2, 2013